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We are aware of scams coming from email and social media where people try to impersonate us. We will never ask you for money or your bank details.

Learn more about what to look out for and how to protect yourself

Requests for Proposals

We are currently accepting applications for our three programmes.

The application process for these programmes will remain open for new applications until funds allocated are committed.

You can download the relevant request for proposal, Q&A and guidance documentation below.

Debt Finance

Debt Funds

We focus our efforts on supporting established as well as emerging managers raising funds that lend to smaller, generally higher growth, companies with revenues of up to £100m.

If you have any queries about Debt Funds in general, or questions in advance of submitting a proposal, please contact:


We are continuing to engage actively with market participants, seeking appropriate opportunities in the FinTech sector.

If you have any queries about FinTech in general, or questions in advance of submitting a proposal, please contact:

Structured Capital Solutions

Our Structured Capital Solutions help address the access to capital constraints faced by our partners.

If you have any queries about Structured Capital Solutions in general, or questions in advance of submitting a proposal, please contact:

Equity Capital

Managed Funds

Our Managed Funds programme will seek to draw in institutional capital to the UK’s venture and growth capital markets.

If you have any queries about the Managed Funds programme, please contact:

Managed Funds Track Record Pro-forma

Download (.xlsx, 34.84kb)

Regional Angels Programme

Our Regional Angels Programme will catalyse early stage investment across the UK.

If you have any queries about the programme, please contact:

Regional Angels Programme Request for Proposals

Download (.pdf, 266.16kb)